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The key to life

symbolism and meaning

The key carries a deep and universal symbolic meaning; it always alludes to mystery and revelation. What is under lock and key is not accessible to anyone, so the key becomes an emblem of exclusive access, power and freedom. By extension, it also symbolizes open-mindedness, the ability to explore new horizons and face challenges with courage, as well as the conclusion of meaningful experiences in our lives.

In Christianity, St. Peter holds two keys, which refer to the bond between Heaven and Earth; what one key binds and loosens in Earth, the other key also binds and loosens in Heaven.

The key, going beyond its physical form, represents our innate desire for discovery, protection and freedom. It is a reminder of our ability to overcome obstacles, discover secrets and open doors to new opportunities.

In this context of symbolic depth, Prima Bottega presents a funeral casket where the figure of St. Peter, a symbol of openness and knowledge, finds its place.

St. Peter fresco, light walnut shade with matte finish.

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